Energy Healer
Reconnective Healer
I was born and raised in Sebastopol California and currently live and have my practice in Santa Rosa California.
I have worked in various areas of the construction field my whole life. Currently, my husband and I own a very successful plumbing company, but growing up, and to this day, I’ve always had a passion for helping people and animals.
Over the years I struggled with different health issues and was tired of what I felt was a game with traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals. I was at a point my life that I was completely finished when the side effects became worse than the original issue. I knew I had to do something different.
Eight years ago I started looking for an alternative to Western medicine. In 2010 I finally called a Reconnective Healing practitioner and made my first appointment and a few more after that. As you can say, my life from the first day changed forever.

I originally tried Reconnective Healing® for a physical pain but left there feeling more balanced in my life than ever before. Things started happening to me and people around me from my first session; my son said I burned him when I went to hug him and that my hands felt very hot. I took my then six-month-old granddaughter for a Reconnective Healing® session because she needed eye surgery and I wanted to try that first. When holding my granddaughter my hands became hot and I could not hold her. No surgery was ever needed.
Many other things were happening in my life, so I booked the next training seminar, and there I was, seeking out how to heal yourself and heal others with Reconnective Healing®.
After coming home from the seminar I was so excited to start playing with the frequencies with family and friends.
I have since experienced so many other wonderful healings; broken bones healed, black eyes normal the next day, back pain gone, skin cancer gone, stage 4 cancer in full remission. So many more than I can mention in a brief bio.
I look forward to being your Reconnective Healing® Practitioner who can open the doors into bringing your body back to Balance-Wholeness and Vitality.

My journey with Cherri started in 2012. I was going through chemo and having some issues with just being able to relax. I am not sure if she had done long distance healing before that day or not.. You see I live in Idaho. We set up a time and believe you me, I was so ready. My experience was so relaxing and releasing all that feeling of anxiety. My next few sessions with Cherri were in person. With even stronger results. My body is so relaxed i actually float, that is gods truth. My next need for Cherri was on Sept. 8th of 2014. I was having a very scary surgery done on my brain. I contacted Cherri. I told her when my time on the table would be, noon. As always she would be there ( long distance) for me… So go figure my surgery gets bumped to 4:00. No way to get ahold of Cherri. Well my surgery went so well, the surgeon was in awe. He told me he was amazed how everything went with out one bump in the road. The next day I found out why. My sister called me from CA and said ” Cherri was feeling bad cause something came up and she was not able to be with me in a session till around 4″. I then told her about my time change. I am for ever grateful to Cherri. I healed so fast from my surgery i was back to work in 3 weeks. The doctors still talk about it and my ” long distance healer “.
Reconnective Healing®
Reconnect Mind Body Soul offers Reconnective Healing®, both in person and through distance healing, as well as animal healing services.
Learn more about the history and science of the Reconnective Healing® practice.
Success Stories
Stories of Reconnect Mind Body Soul clients who have experienced positive and meaningful results from Reconnective Healing®.
Common Questions
If you're unfamiliar with Reconnective Healing®, here are answers to some common questions we hear at Reconnet Mind Body Soul.
What Is Reconnective Healing®?
Reconnective Healing® must be experienced to be fully understood. It has some elements in common with other healing methods, but it is also a radically new and unique healing technique of its own. Reconnective Healing® works without touch, without drugs, without meditation or reciting phrases or any other treatment method you may be imagining. Indeed, this is an experience of physical, emotional, and spiritual proportions.
What Is Distance Healing?
As with in-person healing, a distance healing session involves accessing and reconnecting the mind and body with the broad spectrum of frequencies flowing in the universe. The meridian lines of the body become attuned to the energy lines of the planet and the energy grid of the universe. Healing may appear to materialize physically and produce enhanced levels of spiritual and emotional awareness.
How Does Reconnective Healing® Work?
The emerging science finds that energy healing can be measured and explained through studies of energy transference and increased energy levels. People taking part in Reconnective Healing® — and the spaces in which the process takes place — have been enhanced and altered by the reconnective process taking place.
Where Did Reconnective Healing® Originate?
Reconnective healing was started by Dr. Eric Pearl, a chiropractor in Los Angles, California. He discovered the power of the body's axiatonal lines and meridian lines after visiting a card reader in Venice Beach. Dr. Pearl began developing the practice now commonly known as "Reconnective Healing®" and began sharing his knowledge with the world.
Questions For Reconnect Mind Body Soul?
If you have additional questions about Reconnect Mind Body Soul or my Reconnective Healing® services, please let me know. Use the adjacent form to get in touch and I'll make every effort to respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible. For hours and location, please see our contact page.