Energy Healer
Reconnective Healing®
Reconnect Mind Body Soul offers Reconnective Healing®, both in person and through distance healing, as well as animal healing services.
Animal Healing
All life is energy, and all life forms can become attuned to the frequencies of the planet and universe through Reconnective Healing®. Animal healing is available for pets and farm animals who may benefit from physical, emotional, or behavioral challenges.
Distance Healing
Distance healing is not only possible but equally effective as in-person sessions. Reconnective healing works through energy, light and information — making physical proximity a non-factor. Just as we perform in-person healing without touch, distance healing takes place through frequencies that can be transmitted regardless of location.
The Reconnection
The Reconnection establishes a link and a pathway to the frequencies and energy that exist throughout the world and the universe. We all have meridian lines known to us in such fields as acupuncture, but we have within us the ability to create new lines — axiatonal lines that put us in touch with our existence in ways that we would otherwise never realize. The Reconnection is a reconnecting of the body, mind and spirit to the full spectrum of frequencies that exist around us.
Common Questions
If you're unfamiliar with Reconnective Healing®, here are answers to some common questions we hear at Reconnet Mind Body Soul.
What Is Reconnective Healing®?
Reconnective Healing® must be experienced to be fully understood. It has some elements in common with other healing methods, but it is also a radically new and unique healing technique of its own. Reconnective Healing® works without touch, without drugs, without meditation or reciting phrases or any other treatment method you may be imagining. Indeed, this is an experience of physical, emotional, and spiritual proportions.
What Is Distance Healing?
As with in-person healing, a distance healing session involves accessing and reconnecting the mind and body with the broad spectrum of frequencies flowing in the universe. The meridian lines of the body become attuned to the energy lines of the planet and the energy grid of the universe. Healing may appear to materialize physically and produce enhanced levels of spiritual and emotional awareness.
How Does Reconnective Healing® Work?
The emerging science finds that energy healing can be measured and explained through studies of energy transference and increased energy levels. People taking part in Reconnective Healing® — and the spaces in which the process takes place — have been enhanced and altered by the reconnective process taking place.
Where Did Reconnective Healing® Originate?
Reconnective healing was started by Dr. Eric Pearl, a chiropractor in Los Angles, California. He discovered the power of the body's axiatonal lines and meridian lines after visiting a card reader in Venice Beach. Dr. Pearl began developing the practice now commonly known as "Reconnective Healing®" and began sharing his knowledge with the world.

Proud Member
Cherri Pedrioli is not only a proud member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce but she is also Sonoma County’s first President of this esteemed organization. The Holistic Chamber of Commerce is an international organization created specifically for businesses and practitioners who are focused on providing open access to holistic care, natural products and eco-friendly services and solutions.
Questions For Reconnect Mind Body Soul?
If you have additional questions about Reconnect Mind Body Soul or my Reconnective Healing® services, please let me know. Use the adjacent form to get in touch and I'll make every effort to respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible. For hours and location, please see our contact page.