Janet Caliri is a creative, energetic and sought after speaker and coach who brings her innovative and playful process to audiences across the nation. Participants at her events laugh, wonder and explore their childlike curiosity as they discover the keys for ease in life transitions. They examine the role of images for effective change and walk away with the tools to go from Stress to Ease, Fear to Personal Power, and Anxiety to Productivity in their own life transitions.
Janet’s mission is igniting human potential. She combines her passions and experience in cardiovascular radiology, professional photography, certified life coaching, published author and trained artist teacher as the foundation for her methodology, Visible Transitions.
Founder of Visible Transitions she developed a proven photographic technique that not only effectively supports her clients, but gives them the apparatus for astounding growth as they learn to approach difficult and challenging situations with curiosity and self care. Those who have worked with Janet and attended her events have experienced more ease and joy in the midst of sometimes arduous life transitions. With child-like wonder, transitions shift from problematic and burdensome challenges into vehicles for self-care where your progress is actually charted and surprisingly new healthy habits are effortlessly formed.
Janet is not only the founder of Visible Transitions; she is a product of her product having overcome her own overwhelming transformations. Real change happens as Janet introduces childlike wonder into her dynamic events as participants discover the secrets to building bridges from where they are to where we want to be.
Reverend Caliri resides in West Sonoma County and serves the entire bay area and beyond. Her self-care looks like consistent engagement in what she enjoys the most: bicycling, hiking, singing, writing and photography.
Please join Janet in her vision of creating joy and ease for youngsters who are challenged in a life transition.
To schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Janet Caliri at janet@janetcaliri.com
To work with Janet or learn more about her offerings, follow her here: