Treatments such as meditation and acupuncture are used by doctors today to treat chronic diseases and pains. Though the word “alternative” got used as a synonym for forward-thinking associated with music, energy or high-profile candidates, there was great about-turn in 1993. The New England Journal of Medicine published an article the same year that was an eye-opener to many doctors in America. According to the paper, one in three Americans used alternative healing methods.
Americans embraced the idea, and in 1998, the Congress established the National Center For Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and allocated $50 million to study on alternative medicines such as:
• Ayurveda
• Acupuncture
• Massage
• Nutritional counseling
With major institutions like Stanford, Mayo Clinic, Harvard, and Duke incorporating the above methods in treating patients with chronic diseases, it’s a clear indication that alternative medicine indeed contributes positively towards a patient’s wellness. A report indicates that approximately 100 million people in America over the age of 18 has got chronic pains. Healthcare gets to approximate $560 billion, skyrocketing the economic cost which indicates that treating chronic pain is more expensive than cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
Despite the availability of many types of opioids, doctors avoid prescribing them because of the following :
• With time, they lose their effectiveness
• Get highly addictive
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen become the only solution for many people. Unfortunately, when used for a long time, they cause gastrointestinal problems. But thanks to the remarkable discovery of Reconnective Healing® by Dr. Eric Pearl. His development has made him appear on many television programs around the world and in the United States of America. Major publications like The New York Times have featured him and his remarkable work. Dr. Eric got the opportunity to present his work at Madison Square Garden and the United Nations.
Having written the book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, a global bestseller that got endorsed by renewed personalities like Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, it is notable that Dr. Eric has made remarkable efforts to ensure many people get to benefit from Reconnective Healing®. As illustrated in his book, there exists a universal intelligence capable of facilitating extraordinary healings through:
• Aligning us
• Giving us balance
• Bringing us harmony
What Is Reconnective Healing®?
On experiencing it, you get to understand it better. The approach and technique used is unique from other healing methods. Being a strictly emotional, physical, and spiritual experience, use of drugs, touching or any form of reciting or meditation don’t get used. You get to lie flat on your back and relax as the healer reach out to your inner energy. By holding his/her hands above your body or from a distance, the healer introduces you to frequencies you wouldn’t imagine.
What Happens When You Under Go Reconnective Healing®?
1. Extraordinary experience
Though the effects may not be immediate, you get to go beyond the limitations of your current human perception.
2. Entering another dimension
It’s a dream-like experience that takes place outside time or space.
3. Awareness of our vibration
Through feelings, you get to discover your vibration as you become conscious.
4. Self-discovery
Your perception goes high, and you get to feel your surrounding more deeply.
The fact that a person of any age can seek Reconnective Healing® gives hope to many that are suffering globally. Get to experience the treatment as you reach out to many and help spread the information about this life-saving and remarkable treatment.