The idea that healing must involve the whole person began in ancient times and was based on the idea when the whole person was considered, instead of focusing on individual illnesses, the effect was increased. For thousands of years, holistic health proponents or energy healing practices have taught that being healthy is based on a state of balance among a person’s mind, body, spirit, and his environment.
The practice of holistic healing includes, but is not limited to, reconnective healing, acupuncture, reiki, yoga, meditation, energy healing, nutrition therapy, massage therapy, Ayurveda, and herbal therapy. Holistic integrative care is the blending of conventional medical practice and complementary alternative medicine (CAM). For example, Daniel J. Benor, M.D. is a “wholistic” psychiatric psychotherapist. Dr. Benor adds the “w” to holistic to differentiate his CAM methods from other holistic healing therapies.
Reconnective Healing® : Medicare’s best-kept secret
Reconnective Healing® is often described as a life-changing experience. It is a form of remote energy work which uses newly re-established frequencies available in nature, and which we use to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit. The Reconnective energies offer a complete spectrum of frequencies that includes and expands beyond any and all known forms of energy healing.
It can be a profound experience for anyone who is willing to accept their life purpose. Many people report that their lives change quite intensely after Reconnective Healing® experience, especially within the first six to twelve months, when they are likely to experience a period of quicker personal growth and develop a stronger connection to their own life purpose.
Making careful and educated choices when it comes to choosing your holistic care practitioners is critical. It is important to speak with your professional of choice to ensure that their credentials are accurate and up-to-date.
When searching for a qualified practitioner, it can be very helpful to speak with your friends who have received this therapy and ask them about their personal experience. In the case of Reiki therapy, many clinics holistic programs, and hospitals have a list of Reiki healthcare professionals.
The question then becomes do alternative therapies actually work? According to many traditional western medical studies, the answer is “yes,”
Such well-known hospitals in the US as Duke Integrative Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center Campus, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Children’s Hospital Boston have included Reiki into their alternative medicine arsenal, according to the Green Lotus Hub Page.
In an article written for Fortes, Alice G. Walton points out that meditation has an awesome number of neurological benefits. Studies that have taken place at UCLA, Yale and John Hopkins have shown that meditation can reduce the symptoms of pain, depression, and anxiety.
An article on the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine informs readers that acupuncture can release blocked energy in the body and trigger function, bringing health and balance to the endocrine and immune systems, the nervous system, the digestive system, and the cardiovascular system. Receiving, acupuncture therapy can relieve pain, improve digestive function, improve sleep, and boost a person’s sense of well-being.
Many people have testified that their lives change quite intensely after Reconnective Healing® experience, especially within the first six to twelve months, when they are likely to experience a period of quicker personal growth and develop a stronger connection to their own life purpose. Contact us for more information.